Wordpress Duplicator


# Exploit Title : WordPress Duplicator 0.5.14 SQL Injection Vulnerability

# Exploit Author : Claudio Viviani

# Vendor Homepage : http://lifeinthegrid.com/labs/duplicator/

# Software Link : https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/duplicator.0.5.14.zip

# Date : 2015-04-08

# Tested on : Linux / Mozilla Firefox         


# Description

 WordPress Duplicator 0.5.14 suffers from remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
 Location file: /view/actions.php
 This is the bugged ajax functions wp_ajax_duplicator_package_delete:

 function duplicator_package_delete() {


    try {
	global $wpdb;
	$json		= array();
	$post		= stripslashes_deep($_POST);
	$tblName	= $wpdb->prefix . 'duplicator_packages';
	$postIDs	= isset($post['duplicator_delid']) ? $post['duplicator_delid'] : null;
	$list		= explode(",", $postIDs);
	$delCount	= 0;

        if ($postIDs != null) {

            foreach ($list as $id) {
			$getResult = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name, hash FROM `{$tblName}` WHERE id = {$id}", ARRAY_A);
			if ($getResult) {
				$row		=  $getResult[0];
				$nameHash	= "{$row['name']}_{$row['hash']}";
				$delResult	= $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `{$tblName}` WHERE id = {$id}");
				if ($delResult != 0) {

 $post['duplicator_delid'] variable is not sanitized

 A authorized user with "export" permission or a remote unauthenticated attacker could
 use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary SQL queries on the victim
 WordPress web site by enticing an authenticated admin (CSRF)


# Vulnerability Disclosure Timeline:

2015-04-08:  Discovered vulnerability
2015-04-08:  Vendor Notification
2015-04-09:  Vendor Response/Feedback 
2015-04-10:  Vendor Send Fix/Patch (0.5.16)
2015-04-10:  Public Disclosure 


Discovered By : Claudio Viviani
		            http://ffhd.homelab.it (Free Fuzzy Hashes Database)
                [email protected]
                [email protected]



Download Exploit: HERE